
Career in NGO's
Career in Development Sector

Tips Tricks

Why Is JavaScript the Programming Language of the Future?

TechMaximize 06-Sep-2024

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, where innovation is the currency of progress, JavaScript has emerged as a powerhouse in the world of programming languages. Its versatility, widespread use, and adaptability make it a top choice for developers around the globe. This article explores why JavaScript is not just a language for the present but also a pivotal technology shaping the future of programming. We will also discuss how TechMaximize, a leading software company, is leveraging JavaScript to drive innovation in the tech industry.

A Comprehensive Guide to International Development Jobs

Editor 21-Mar-2023

International development jobs are an excellent opportunity for individuals to make a positive impact on the world while gaining unique experiences. These jobs require a range of skills and qualifications, including cross-cultural communication, language skills, project management, research and analytical skills, and adaptability. Finding international development jobs can be done through job search websites, networking, and internships/volunteer work.

Building a Career in the Development Sector: Tips and Strategies for Success

Editor 08-Mar-2023

Career in the development sector can be rewarding, challenging, and meaningful. By developing a strong understanding of development issues, building relevant skills, gaining practical experience, being flexible and adaptable, networking and building relationships, and pursuing advanced education, you can position yourself for success in this field. Whether you're interested in working for an international development organization, a local NGO, or a community-based organization, there are many opportunities to make a positive impact and contribute to a better world.

Top Job Keywords for Your Next Job Posting

Editor 16-Jan-2023

If you’re looking to attract and hire talent, you need to select the right job keywords for your title and description. In order to attract the top talent, you need to write compelling job post. you would probably would want to know which keywords containing the term Jobs do most users search for on Google. Here are 20 of the best keywords for your guest posting.

Find Your Next Career Move at the Leading NGO Job Portal

Editor 10-Feb-2023

If you're passionate about making a difference in the world and are looking for a career that aligns with your values, look no further than the leading NGO job portal. NGO jobs, non-government organizations, career opportunities, job search, job portal, transparency.

6 Best Travel Tips To Consider While Traveling 2023

Sonu Singhal 03-Jan-2023

One of the best things you can do for yourself is travel. It enables you to see new locations, interact with different people, and experience various cultures. It might be a terrific way to gain more knowledge about oneself and the environment. To know the importance of traveling we discuss the best travel tips to consider while traveling.

How to write a Cover Letter to land a Job

Julie Fernandes 21-May-2022

You have finally short-listed the jobs that meet all your requirements. Everything is sorted out from A to Z – the resumes, certificates, experience letter and everything else are in place, except the cover letter. “But, who looks at those letters these days anyways?”, you thought and chuckled. The next day, You head towards the office and apply for the job role that you have wanted for a long time. They said that candidates who are short-listed will be called for an Interview.

Tips to write professional marketing resume for Executive level

Prepare Resume 24-Apr-2022

It is your obligation to make a positive first impression on a potential employer by submitting a professional resume. It uses language and formatting that are appropriate for the situation. It is vital to present all pertinent facts on a timeline. while also emphasizing significant events that occurred throughout the time period. A variety of formats are available for you to use in presenting your accomplishments. And it adds experience to your resume. You must design a plan that will make it straightforward for you to get the job you want.

how to get a job

Editor 01-Jan-2022

NGOs offer exciting and diverse careers where you can make a tangible difference and feel valued. NGO employment opportunities allow you to dedicate your life’s work to something you are passionate about whilst developing a broad spectrum of skills and experiences. Working in development sector is an attractive option for people around the world. The sector has grown significantly over the past two decades as organisations have become larger, more sophisticated and increasingly professionalized. Working for an NGO provides an opportunity to make a difference, support others in need and create positive change in communities the world over.

How to write a good CV for international development job in Charity/NGO sector

Editor 30-Nov-2021

So you’ve decided to apply for that position at a Charity/NGO, but you’re stuck, blankly staring at your CV, not knowing how to best get across your experience or even if it will make the cut. You’ve got this nagging stat in the back of your head, that on average less than 10% of CVs make it through the first stage of the recruitment process
