Duty Station of the Consultancy: Remote (with travel to Georgia for stakeholder meetings).
Duration of Consultancy: 20 working days, to be completed over a span of 8 months.
Nature of the consultancy: Support the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Health, Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia (MoLHSA), as the chair of the Integration Working Group of the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) in the development/finalization of the Framework/Vision policy level document on Reintegration.
Project Context and Scope
The Programme “Enhanced Opportunities for the Returning Migrants in Georgia”, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by International Organization for Migration (IOM) mission to Georgia, aims to support the sustainable reintegration of returned migrants in Georgia and improve their economic and social well-being, by enhancing the responsiveness and coordination of national and local stakeholders, improving the contribution of local self-governments and other local stakeholders, including through provision of information and services to returnees, and increasing the opportunities for economic reintegration, social inclusion, and financial inclusion of returnees and their families.
The programme adopts a comprehensive reintegration approach at the individual, community and structural levels, emphasizing a gender-sensitive and human rights-based approach. The programme builds on existing policies, such as Georgia’s Migration Strategy 2021-2030, while aims to address gaps in governance, coordination and capacity at both local and central levels.
Recent migration trends in Georgia reveal an increase in returns, especially from EU+ countries, including rejected asylum seekers and long-term migrants, which is straining the reintegration system. Returnees often face difficulties reintegrating due to limited employment opportunities, skill mismatches, psychological distress and restricted access to services. Reintegration efforts are hampered by insufficient support, lack of coordination between central and local authorities and limited involvement of local stakeholders, private sector actors and diaspora networks. Economic reintegration remains a significant challenge, coupled with gender-specific barriers impacting female returnees’ economic inclusion.
The main challenge the programme intends to tackle is the insufficient and unsustainable reintegration of returned migrant in Georgia, which hampers their social and economic inclusion and limits their potential contribution to the development of their communities and the country. The overall goal is to enable migrants to achieve economic self-sufficiency, social stability and psychosocial well-being, thereby strengthening their ability to contribute to Georgia’s development.
Key objectives:
MoLHSA is the lead partner of the programme, responsible for coordinating the consolidation of the overall reintegration framework in Georgia.
IOM Georgia is seeking to hire an international consultant that will support MoLHSA (Department of IDPs, Eco-migrants and Policy Division) in the development of the Reintegration Vision policy document for Georgia, based on existing concepts previously developed by MoLHSA with IOM support.
Under the direct supervision of the IOM Programme Manager, the International Consultant will be responsible for supporting MoLHSA in the development of the Reintegration Vision policy document for Georgia. He/she will work in cooperation with two local experts deployed to MoLHSA under the programme, and will be responsible for:
Organizational Department / Unit to which the Consultant is contributing
“Enhanced Opportunities for the Returning Migrants in Georgia”
Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment
Deliverable 1: Inception report including the methodology and the work plan for its finalization, specific deliverables, timeline and specific roles, submitted by 15 April 2025.
Deliverable 2: Draft document of Reintegration Vision for review by IOM, MoLHSA, the members of the Integration Working Group and other relevant stakeholders, submitted by 31 August 2025.
Deliverable 3: Final document of the Reintegration Vision, reflecting any stakeholders’ inputs from the validation workshop submitted by 31 October 2023.
Performance indicators for the evaluation of results
Delivers the listed deliverables on time and with good quality.
Required Qualifications / Work Experience
IOM’s official languages are English, French and Spanish.
Proficiency of language(s) required will be specifically evaluated during the selection process, which may include written and/or oral assessments.
Travel required
Required Competencies
IOM’s competency framework can be found at this link. Competencies will be assessed during the selection process.
Values - all IOM staff members must abide by and demonstrate these three values:
Core Competencies – Behavioural indicators